Should I ask for a solar monitoring system for my solar panels?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T20:32:16-06:00With every installation we do a solar energy monitoring system is included. We only install manufacturer products that have good high-quality monitoring platforms.
How much carbon will my system offset?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T20:31:26-06:00Solar panels offset tons of carbon every year, even smaller residential systems. A 5kW or 13 module system can offset upwards of 4,000kg of carbon every year. If you install a 5 kW system depending on location in North America, over 30 years your solar panels will have offset between 120 to 170 tons of C02! Carbon offsets are an ever growing concern given our current state of emissions.
Is my house an ideal location? I have trees and shade, is that a problem?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T20:30:40-06:00The best way for us to determine this, is to contact us! But in general, if you have a south, east, or west facing roof, we can make solar panels work for you. If you have trees, chimneys or other shade sources covering part of your roof, we will position the array to optimize your system specifically to your needs. As a professional solar contractor, we analyze all site conditions on every project to maximize your solar harvest.
Will hail damage my solar panels?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:30:55-06:00Solar panels are built with tempered glass, and aluminum frames. They are very robust and can withstand extreme weather. If by the slight chance they were to be damaged by a severe hail storm, solar panels are covered by your home or business insurance.
A good way to think about it is if a window is damaged by a storm in your home or business. This is covered by insurance, just as solar panels are covered by insurance as well.
What is the expected lifetime of a solar panel?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:30:13-06:00The expected lifetime is 35 years or more. Many solar panels that are already installed and generating have been producing for 35 years already. Tier 1 bankable solar panel manufacturers offer:
Power Output warranty periods = 25 – 30 year
Product material & workmanship warranty periods = 12 years
Where can I charge my car?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:27:16-06:00At home in a private garage / driveway, or at a designated parking spot / shared parking facility (common for apartments). At work at your office building’s parking facility, either reserved or (semi)public. In public along streets, on the highway, and at any public parking facility you can think of – e.g. shopping malls, restaurants, hotels, hospitals etc.
How long does it take to charge my car?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:27:01-06:00Regular Socket = 6-8 Hours
Charging Station = 1-4 Hours
Fast Charger = 20 Minutes
Charging times vary depending on: your current level of battery charge, your battery capacity, your charging station’s capacity and settings, as well as the capacity of your charging station’s energy source (e.g. whether it’s at home or an office building). Plug-in hybrids require 1-4 hours to be fully charged, while full-electric cars require 4-8 hours (from 0 to 100%).
On average, cars are parked at home for up to 14 hours a day, and at work for around 8 hours a day. With a charging station at your disposal, all this time can be used to top up your car to 100%.
Regular Electricity Outlet: Be warned if you’re charging your EV from a regular electricity outlet. Charging at home would require a specific charging cable that prevents power outage and overheating. In addition, you will also need to make sure the outlet is nearby your car, as you may never use an extension cable to charge your car. Yet even with these precautions taken, charging from a regular outlet is highly discouraged, as most residential buildings aren’t wired to carry high electrical draw.
EV Charging Station: This is the most recommended method of car charging, as it makes safe and efficient use of your car and energy sources (e.g. home or office building) capacity. With a charging station at your disposal, every time you hit the road you’re sure to have a fully charged car with maximum range. A charging station can charge up to 8 times faster than a regular outlet. This means that any EV will be charged 100% in just 1-4 hours.
Fast Charging Station: Fast Charging stations pop up most often outside cities and along highways. Despite being fast (it charges in 20-30 minutes), an average fast charger brings an EV only up to 80% during a single charging session.
How much does it cost to charge my car?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:26:41-06:00In Canada the average cost per kWh is 18 cents.
Common battery sizes are around 50 to 90 kWh. Common ranges go from 160 to 500 kms.
Lets take the all electric Volkwagen ID.4 as an example. It has a battery size of 52 kWh and a average range of around 300 kms. It would cost 52 kWh x 18 cents to fill if battery fully empty. This being $9.36 CAD.
Will my electricity bill go up?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:26:22-06:00Yes. The electricity consumption of an average household goes up to about 3500 kWh per year for each electric vehicle. This is based on an average distance of 15,000 km per year. Additionally, thanks to solar panels, you can also opt to generate your own electricity during the day. This way, EV charging cost is dramatically reduced.
Can I charge my car on any charger?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:26:03-06:00Yes and no. Just like regular electricity outlets, charging stations may have different outlets and connectors depending on the country where you’re charging and your car brand’s origin. Luckily, to make things less complicated, car manufacturers and most countries have now reduced the options to just 2 types of outlets and connectors. From the car’s side, a Type 1 socket is common for Japanese and American vehicles, and a Type 2 socket is common for European vehicles.
Note: all Tesla models have a specific type of socket in the US, whereas in Europe, all Tesla models are equipped with a Type 2 socket. From the charging station’s side, all chargers in both Europe and the US are equipped with a Type 2 socket. A charging station with a fixed cable is an exception; in this case, you would always have to check if the attached cable fits into your car’s socket.
How much maintenance does a charger need?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:25:10-06:00Very little. Despite being an advanced technology, electric cars are remarkably simple to maintain. The same is true for EV charging stations. If installed properly and built modularly, every piece can be easily replaced. Charging stations with online connectivity also enable remote diagnostics and repair, so you won’t be left stranded in the rare event of charger malfunction.
Why is energy storage important?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:24:31-06:00Energy storage fundamentally improves the way we consume, generate, and deliver electricity. Energy storage helps during emergencies like power outages from storms, equipment failures, accidents or even terrorist attacks. But, the game-changing nature of energy storage is its ability to balance power supply and demand instantaneously, within milliseconds, which makes power networks more resilient, efficient, and cleaner than ever!
How is energy storage useful on a grid scale?
Alex Mulenga2023-08-30T15:24:16-06:00Energy storage is needed on an industrial or grid scale for three main reasons. The first is to “balance load” – to shift energy consumption into the future, often by several hours – so that more existing generating capacity is used efficiently. The second reason is to “bridge” power – in other words, to ensure there is no break in service during the seconds-to-minutes required to switch from one power generation source to another. Finally, power quality management – the control of voltage and frequency to avoid damaging sensitive equipment – is an increasing concern that storage can alleviate whenever needed, for a few seconds or less, many times each day.

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